Some 15 students and young graduates in Buea are currently engaged in a training that will culminate in them identifying and providing solutions to the increasing environment and sustainable development challenges in their communities. Organised by Voice of Nature (VoNat), the training that is taking place at the Organization’s Head Office in Buea is aimed orienting mentoring the youngsters to use the skills and knowledge acquired in school to solve the ever increasing community challenges.

Coming from both VoNat and Hope for the World Youth Assciation (HOWOYA) where they are currently serving as volunteers, the young graduates and students were during the opening session schooled on how to identify crucial problems in their communities. They were also oriented on how to transform these problems into project ideas.
According to the main training Facilitator cum Executive Director of VoNat, Ndimuh B. Shancho, engaging youths in finding solutions to environment and societal problems is a key way of adding value to education and contributing to nation building. “There is a missing link between knowledge acquisition, experience and problems. Our society is face with increasing problems like floods, landslides, waste management, climate change, food insecurity, species depletion, diseases, water crisis and many more on the one hand. On the other hand, there are thousands of students and graduates who have acquired knowledge and skills in these domains from school, but leveraging on them to the aforementioned problems is where the challenge lies. The training therefore is a means to bridge this missing link,” he expounded.

The participants on their part, said the training has come at an opportune moment. “I have learned how to identify a problem and bring up a solution to solve the problem. This training will equally be of help to me in my future career and my organization as well as. I will be able to make it grow in terms of funding by writing grants,’’ Chia Bernard, HoWoYA Volunteer said.
To the Climate Action Kids Project Assistant at VoNat, Wacha Kiyam , the training is enriching. “I am very elated to have taken part in such an enriching training. The skills I have acquired are that which others pay to have. I can now identify a problem, come up with an idea and then present it without much difficulties,” he attested.
Due to the numerous opportunities in the world today, it is hoped that through this training students will be able to use their knowledge and skills to come up with innovative solutions by mobilizing various resources towards solving these problems plaguing the society. This will add value to their lives and their communities.
By Sandrine Akeabeh