Voice of Nature (VoNat) recently engaged close to 50 kids from 5 communities in the Mount Nlonako area, littoral region, Cameroon in identifying and studying different frog species in their communities using the iNaturalist application. This activity which aims to reconnect the youngsters to nature while boosting their love for frogs, was carried out as part of activities to mark the World Frogs Day celebrated on March 20, 2023 .

Species identified and studied included the world’s largest frog, Goliath Frog (Conraua Goliath), Big eyed Frog (Genus Leptopelis), Giant Slippery Frog (Conraua Robusta), Ridged Frog (Genus Ptychadena), and Screeching Frog (Genus Arthroleptis). These were some of the species recorded during an ecological study trip to some amphibians hotspots in the Mount Nlonako Area, within the framework of a project to save the world’s largest frog from extinction with community kids and young adults funded by the National Geographic Society.

Robinson Dikoume from Ebone learnt a lot about the frogs and promised to take action to conserve them. “I learnt so much about the frogs and the need to conserve them. I will raise awareness in my community about the important role they play in the ecosystem and educate them against actions that threaten their existence like water pollution, use of pesticides etc.” he said.

The frog species and other amphibians recorded in the Mount Nlonako Area, will be published in a wildlife magazine in the months ahead to educate more children and their communities about frogs and other amphibian species in the Mount Nlonako Area.