Voice of Nature (VoNat) has collaborated with the South West Regional Delegation of the Ministry of Environment Protection of Nature and Sustainable Development (MINEPDED-SW) and other Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Cameroon to carryout actions aimed at providing solutions to plastic pollution in Cameroon. This was done within the framework of the 2023 World Environment Day commemorated under the theme: solutions to plastic pollution, with the campaign #BeatPlasticPollution.

Cleaning off plastics from the environment for recycling
On June 3, 2023, VoNat participated in a plastic clean up campaign in Buea, South West Region of Cameroon. The organization alongside the MINEPDED SW team and other CSOs cleaned up thousands of plastic bottles from the streets of Buea town for recycling, while sensitizing denizens of the area against plastic pollution.
The Organization joined MINEPDED and other CSOs, On June 5, 2023, in a grand World Environment Day event at the Buea Council Hall organized under the auspices of the Governor of the South West Region. The event was spiced by poetry dramatization, sketches, quizzes, award of prizes and special exhibitions/presentations on the sustainable management of plastic wastes amongst others. VoNat used its quiz to educate the public about government policy on plastic waste and the dangers it has on humans and the environment. The organization awarded five prizes to deserving participants.

Key note address on Solutions to Plastic Pollution at Green Day & Green Hack in Yaounde
The organization’s Executive Director also served as a Guest Speaker at a Webinar to mark the World Environment Day organized by the University of Buea American Corner. He used the webinar to highlight the dangers of plastic waste on the environment and human health, while also recommending concrete actions that Cameroonian youths must take to “beat plastic pollution” and its negative effects. On the behest of Mountain Hub, VoNat’s Ndimuh Bertrand Shancho featured as a resource person on the institution’s flagship programme, Book Club, where he gave insight on the plastic menace in Cameroon, underscoring the need for holistic actions against plastic pollution. He was also Key Note Speaker at the Green Hack and Green Day in Yaounde also organized by Mountain Hub to engage young tech experts in hacking solutions to plastic pollution.
Though the World Environment has come and gone with its commemorative activities, VoNat remains resolute in its strive to build a greener and safer planet for wildlife and humanity to thrive-including fighting against plastic pollution.