Climate change has induced drastic reduction in the quality and quantity of water in watersheds in Bamenda and other parts of Cameroon, with children bearing the greatest brunt.

In a bid to salvage this, Voice of Nature (VoNat) is collaborating with Meg Wah, the North West Regional Delegation of Environment Protection of Nature and Sustainable Development (MINEPDED-NW) from the Bamenda 1 Council to mentor and engage community kids and young adults in restoring some five watersheds in the Bamenda 1 & 2 municipalities.

Within the framework of the EcoKids programme of VoNat and Meg Wah funded by Earth Rising Foundation, the organization in 2022 embarked on restoring watersheds in Akum, Abumuchwi 1 and 2, and Ntamafe 1and 2 in the Mendankwe-Bamenda, North West Region of Cameroon with community kids and youths.
Close to 1000 trees were planted but due to transplanting shock and other adverse environmental conditions, a good number of the trees did not survive. Since July 2023, VoNat and partners have been mentoring and engaging children and youths from different communities in Bamenda in replanting trees in these watersheds.

The youngsters have also been guided to set up indigenous tree nurseries around these watersheds for future replanting. They have been mentored and charged to oversee the day-to-day management of the watersheds.
Meantime, the watershed restoration programme has been extended to the Mukwehbuh Water Catchment in Mile 6 Mankon-Bamenda, with plans underway to extend to other watersheds and degraded areas in the Bamenda Highlands.