Voice of Nature (VoNat) has awarded prizes to outstanding members of Eco-Warriors, a network of kids and youth for species conservation and environmental sustainability in Mount Cameroon Area, created within the framework of a project funded by New England Biolabs Foundation. The prize award ceremony took place May 24, 2024 at Government High School (GHS) Buea Rural-Bokova, South West Cameroon.

It was a culmination of a 10-month programme of VoNat which brought together over 70 kids and young adults to establish the first ever network of young people for species conservation and environmental sustainability in the Mount Cameroon Area dubbed Eco-warriors, and mentored/empowered them to develop and independently implement five micro projects. These micro-projects focused on community sensitization about the endangered species of Mount Cameroon and the legal implication of killing them, education on conservation traditional knowledge through storytelling, regenerative agriculture training, donation and planting of threatened trees of Mount Cameroon Area and sensitization on sustainable waste management/donation of trash cans.
Community members are marveled with the impact created in and by the children and young adults barely 10 months after. “We want to thank VoNat for mentoring our children who are now teaching us about environmental protection. Our children donated trash cans to the market, hospitals and schools and are now educating us on how to sustainably manage our wastes. They also sensitized us about endangered animal species and even made calendars for the sensitization. We have seen the vegetable garden they have established and are using it to educate community farmers about sustainable farming and organic liquid fertilizer production training. This alongside the trees donated to us, is so wonderful”, Mr. Ndive Abel, a denizen of the Mount Cameroon Area and Vice Principal of GHS Buea Rural Bokova said.

An executive of Exo-warriors, Chafac Vivera, on her part, said “we are filled with excitement and a deep sense of responsibility towards protecting our environment and its precious biodiversity. With VoNat’s guidance and expertise, we established Eco-Warriors, and have implemented 5 remarkable micro-projects that have made great impact and difference in our community. This is deepened our understanding of environmental stewardship and an unwavering commitment to continue these efforts even when we grow old”.
Meanwhile, the Species Conservation Programme Coordinator at VoNat has promised to mobilize more resources to continue supporting and guiding them.