Voice of Nature (VoNat) has transferred its Head Office from Sosoliso, Molyko-Buea to Press Hostel Junction Malingo Street, Molyko-Buea, South West Region of Cameroon. This move was carried out recently as part of the organization’s continuous drive to provide  a secured and serene working environment for staff and volunteers for improved efficiency and productivity at work.

“Our former office was small to accommodate a reasonable number of staff and volunteers. Accessibility was equally pretty challenging. So, we needed a working environment that will be void of any noise that deter the welfare and productivity of our staff, volunteers and mentees,”  Ndimuh B. Shancho Executive Director of the Organization stated.

VoNat is a Cameroon-based biodiversity conservation and sustainable development non-profit organization created in 2019 and legalized in 2020 for Reg. No 1125/G.37/C84/VOL.I/SASC.  VoNat envisions a planet where individuals intentionally treat nature with love and respect, understanding that human existence and that of generations is dependent on the environment. The mission of the organization is building a greener, safer and more sustainable planet for wildlife and humanity to thrive.

The organization has running projects in the South West, North West and Littoral regions of Cameroon with plans underway to extend to the West Region. Its programmes are; Great Apes & Endangered Primates Conservation, Amphibians Conservation, Elephant Conservation, Birds Conservation, Upcycling & Sustainable Waste Management, Landscapes and Watersheds Restoration, Climate Change Education and Community Resilience, Regenerative Agriculture & Agroforestry, Environmental Reporting & Communication, Outreach & Livelihood Support, Volunteering & Youth Mentorship.  The organization runs an online environmental news platform and bi-yearly magazine available at: www.voiceofnaturenews.info . More information about VoNat is available at www.vonat.org .