Voice of Nature (VoNat) now has a new Biodiversity Conservation Programme Assistant, Gansey Sean Penyit. Mr. Gansey was recruited recently to boost the Organization’s capacity to better contribute to proffering solutions to the ever-increasing biodiversity conservation and environmental challenges in Cameroon. Gansey holds a bachelor’s degree in Forestry and Wildlife Resource Management from the University of Bamenda.

He has within the last 2 years been engaged in various fields and research work in the domain of biodiversity conservation. Mr. Gansey has served as Biodiversity Conservation officer at Sustainable Run for Development (SURUDEV) in Bamenda, North West Region of Cameroon. Beside this, he has served as Wildlife Conservation Officer at the Limbe wildlife Center. He recently researched on local communities’ involvement in resolving human-elephant in the West coast cluster of the Mount Cameroon National Park. Mr. Gansey’s key areas of competency include: community engagement, conservation education, developing smart practices to curb wildlife population declines, biomonitoring and research.

As Biodiversity Conservation Programme Assistant at VoNat, Gansey will be expected to leverage his education, skills and experience over the years to assist in carrying out conservation education in schools and forest communities in Cameroon. He will also be developing best practices aimed at curbing poaching & wildlife depletion in VoNat’s areas of operation, and assisting in organizing and leading bio monitoring & research activities in forest communities in Cameroon.
VoNat is an equal opportunity Organization, and continues to serve as a veritable platform for young people across the world to build and or use their skills and experience to proffer solutions to the ever-increasing environmental challenges in Cameroon and Africa.