Executive Director & Communications Lead

Ndimuh B. Shancho

Ndimuh has been Executive Director since November 2019. He has over 15 years of experience in species conservation and climate actions at the grassroots, national, and international levels. He is leveraging his background of a Masters Degree in Natural Resources and Environmental Management, a bachelor degree in Journalism and Mass Communication, and scores of certification courses and workshops in project management, fundraising, leadership etc. to lead the organization in realizing its vision of a planet where everyone treats nature with love and respect understanding that the welfare of humanity and generations depend on the environment. Under his leadership, VoNat has mentored and put thousands of young grassroot conservation/climate action leaders and stakeholders on the frontline of proffering solutions to conservation, restoration and sustainability challenges in Cameroon. His emphasis on local community involvement, hardwork, accountability, teamwork, mutual respect and multi-sectoral partnership has led to a significant growth and sustainability of the organization and its programmes. Ndimuh has played a significant role in distinguishing VoNat as a unique conservation and climate action non-profit organization building a greener, safer and more sustainable planet for wildlife and humanity to thrive.

Director of Programmes & Climate Action Coordinator

Dongang Cerephine Mangwa (PhD)

Dongang has been the Director of Programmes & Climate Action  Coordinator since 2023. She started her professional career as a Fellow with the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) and has over 7 years of experience focused on addressing climate change, Invasive Alien Species and environmental issues at the grassroots, national, and international levels. She holds a Ph.D. in Natural Resources and Environmental Management and has taken part in extensive training and certificate programmes in climate change vulnerability assessments, adaptation strategies, nature-based solutions, and climate change communication and environmental education to lead young climate leaders. Her strong academic credentials, combined with her extensive field experience, make her well-equipped to develop and implement effective climate action and environmental management strategies. Under her leadership, Dongang has played a strategic role in coordinating Climate Action Programmes by engaging and empowering hundreds of young climate action ambassadors in gathering climate change data and providing solutions/adaptation strategies to most vulnerable communities along Cameroon’s west coast, while also actively participating in regional and international climate forums to stay at the forefront of best practices of climate change and Invasive Alien Species control.

GIS Consultant / M & E Officer

Dongmo Eugene

Mr. Dongmo has been serving the organization since 2022. He is a Cartographer and a GIS and Remote Sensing expert, with over 10 years of experience in using different GIS applications, mapping and carrying out spatial analysis for conservation and natural resource management. He is leveraging his leveraging his Masters Degree in GIS and Remote Sensing to develop to assist in developing digital maps using geospatial data and analyzing spatial and non-spatial information that enhance the realization of the organization of the organization’s goal in species conservation, landscape restoration and climate action in Cameroon.  Mr. Dongmo He has a passion for community based conservation.

Finance Officer | Administrative Assistant

Raymond Assurance Anong

Raymond Assurance Anong plays a strategic role in managing the finances of Voice of Nature (VoNat) and other administrative functions including information management, human resources and logistics. Raymond holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting from the University of Buea and have taken part in scores of workshops and certificate programmes in the domain of non-profit accounting, leadership and administration. Her academic background equips her with a solid foundation in financial principles, accounting, budgeting, and financial analysis. She also actively pursues professional development opportunities to stay up-to-date with the latest trends in best practices in finance and administration. Raymond started her career as a treasurer with Claire Enterprise and has over 5 years of experience in Finance and accounting operation.

Species Conservation Programme Coordinator

Kihkishiy Delphine Kinyuy

Madam Kihkishiy has been serving as VoNat’s Species Conservation Programme Coordinator since 2023. She is a passionate conservationist, with a bachelor and masters degree in Zoology and Animal Physiology. Delphine has over 3 years of experience in species conservation efforts and community actions. Besides conservation and community engagement, she is skilled in Project Monitoring and Evaluation, R-Programming and Project Management. Her strong academic credentials, and extensive field experience, make her well-equipped to develop and implement effective species conservation research, education, and community engagement. Through collaborative, evidence-based approaches, Delphine is committed to building a more sustainable future for all.

Coordinator of Livelihoods Development Initiative

Tume Emmaculate

Emmaculate has been the Coordinator for VoNat’s Outreach and Livelihoods Development Initiative since 2020. She holds a bachelor degree in Sociology and Anthropology with over 8 years of experiencing of working with different national and international organizations in the area of livelihood development and the provision of humanitarian services. At VoNat, she is engaged in identifying and assisting in the development of sustainable alternative livelihood schemes that contribute to diverting the attention of communities from wanton depletion of natural resources and building local capacities to better adapt their lives and livelihoods to the changing climate. She is also dedicated to providing psychosocial support to victims of climate disasters and human-wildlife conflicts. Emmaculate is committed to building herself professionally to be more proficient in contributing to the mission of the Organization.

Landscape Restoration Programme Coordinator

Ful Stanley

Ful Stanley Kom is the Landscape Restoration programme Coordinator of Voice of Nature (VoNat) since July 2024. Stanley holds a Bachelor and Masters Degree in Geography, with over 4 years of experience in landscape restoration. He has attended seminars and workshops programs in the domain of landscape Restoration like Global Landscape Forum, Mangrove Restoration and Blue Carbon. He is committed to continuous learning, actively seeking out professional development opportunities to remain current on the latest best practices in Landscape Restoration.

Field Coordinator, Amphibians Conservation Initiative

Nkede Henry Nkede

Mr. Nkede holds a bachelor degree in Geography and has been serving as Field Coordinator of VoNat’s Amphibians Conservation Initiative since 2021. He is a dedicated Community Mobilizer & Focal Point of the Organization in the Mount Nlonako-Muanengouba conservation landscape. He plays a vital role in facilitating the Organization’s access to different communities for project activities, building good relationships between the communities and projects and mobolising/ensuring community engagement or participation in different project activities. Mr. Nkede He is a denizen of the Mount Nlonako Area and has a perfect mastery of the area.