The Executive Director ( ED) of Voice of Nature (VoNat), Ndimuh Bertrand Shancho, recently participated at the Global Landscape Forum (GLF) Nairobi 2023 Hybrid Conference that brought together over 700 world environmental leaders, leading scientists, activists, Indigenous leaders, financiers, youths and policymakers. The 2-day international conference, from October 11 to 12, 2023 took place at the CIFOR-ICRAF Head Quarter in Nairobi-Kenya under the theme: A New Vison for Earth.

The conference took place on the heels of the UN Climate Change Conference (UNFCCC COP 28) that will take place in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE) in December 2023. The event was dedicated to paving a way for a fairer world ahead of COP 28. The Hybrid Conference was a unique avenue for the VoNat boss to join global environmental leaders in addressing sovereign solutions for Africa and how the continent can create a sustainable and prosperous future for species, landscapes and the climate.

Meanwhile, the VoNat ED, from October 9 to 10 2023, was part of the Landscape Leadership Workshop at Trademark Hotel in Nairobi-Kenya that brought landscape leaders from the Global South to exchange and get fresh insights about landscape restoration and landscape leadership amongst others. The Landscape Workshop, organized by Global Landscape Forum in collaboration with Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN), Youth in Landscapes Initiative (YIL) and Youth4Nature, culminated in simulation sessions where participants developed, negotiated and presented a new vision for the “Blue Country Landscape”, respecting the aspirations of all stakeholders.

Ndimuh also participated at a Climate Justice Workshop on October 13, 2023 at CIFOR-ICRAF, organized by CDKN of South South North. Here, he joined other young climate activists from the Global South in presenting climate justice projects. They equally identified ways of supporting one another for a much bigger and wider impact in our collective and individual strives for climate actions and climate justice.
The VoNat Management expresses special gratitude to Global Landscapes Forum and Climate and Development Knowledge Network for supporting and giving its Executive Director the opportunity to be part of these workshops and conferences.