Voice of Nature (VoNat) has recruited four new volunteers to enhance its mission of protecting the environment and saving Lives with community kids and youths. These volunteers, including a lady; Akeabeh Sandrine Tendongafac, and three gentlemen; Niki Jerome Agbor, Egbe Philip Obi and Amos Mbutoh, were recruited recently, following an interview which took place in Buea.

Akeabeh Sandine, joins VoNat as a Communication Officer. She is a final year Corporate Communication Masters student in the University of Buea. She holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Journalism and Mass Communication with over 3 years experience in journalism and audio-visual media productions.
Recruited as Wildlife Conservation Officer, Niki Jerome Agbor is a postgraduate research fellow in Forestry and Wildlife Engineering. He holds a Bachelor Degree in Forest Engineer from FASA/ISABERTOUA, and has beside other biodiversity conservation efforts, served as Assistant Biomonitoring Technician for Programme for the Sustainable Management of Nature Resources in the South West Region (PSNMR-SWR) and Project Assistant for Partners for Red Columbus.
Agbe Philip Obi, is also joining the Organization as an Environmental Education Assistant. He is a Postgraduate Research Fellow in Curriculum Studies and Teaching Geography in the University of Buea. He hold a Bechelor of Education in the same field, with over 3 years of experience as a Geography teacher. Meanwhile, Amos Mbutoh, is coming in as an Assistant Wildlife Conservation Officer. He is a final year Micro Biology student in the University of Buea.
An orientation session was held with these new volunteers over the weekend, during which they were enlightened on the mission, vision, objectives, programmes and core values of the organizations. The orientation session also served as an opportunity for the youngsters to abreast themselves with their respective terms of reference.