A programme to address climate change and its pervasive impacts on the environment, economy, and communities in Cameroon dubbed the Cameroon Climate Justice Movement (CCJM) has been created. This is the outcome of a 2-day workshop, which took place from June 3 to 4, 2024 in Yaoundé-Cameroon.

Greenpeace Africa organized this 2-day workshop, which had in attendance representatives of circa 40 Cameroonian grassroots, indigenous and local environmental Civil Society Organizations (CSOs). The CSOs agreed, after a series of focus group discussion sessions, to have Climate Adaptation and Mitigation, Climate Justice, Education and Advocacy, Collaboration and Partnership, Research and Innovation as core objectives.

The close to 40 environmental civil society organizations from all ten regions of Cameroon that attended the workshop, including Voice of Nature (VoNat), signed a declaration committing to Commitment to actively participate in the activities and initiatives of the Movement, to uphold the principles of sustainability, equality, equity, and justice in all our efforts, to work collaboratively with all stakeholders to achieve the Movement’s shared goals. And to monitor and evaluate progress to ensure transparency and accountability.

The creation of CCJM culminated in a grand sensitization march in Yaoundé-Cameroon to mark the 2024 World Environment Day, with over 600 environmental civil society organizations, indigenous groups and young environmental activists participating. As of part of the World Environment Day celebrations, members of the Movements and other young environmental activist visited to the Ministry of Environment Protection of Nature, and Sustainable Development (MINEPDED) with special advocacy messages for climate action, environmental protection and biodiversity conservation.  The Minister, Hélé Pierre, appreciated the Movement and all participating environmental actors and pledged his support.

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