After getting our authorization from the Cameroon Ministry of Territorial Administration (MINAT) and creating a bank account amongst other exploits in 2020, we got into 2021 with a strong determination to start making our mission of building a greener, safer, and more sustainable planet with community kids and youths a reality. Our desire was to plant at least 20 trees in public spaces, educate and engage at least 30 community kids in biodiversity conservation, and the fight against climate change. We also intended to extend our biodiversity conservation and sustainable development activities to the North West Region of Cameroon for a much wider impact amongst others.

Many regarded these as unrealistic, considering the deteriorating nature of the Anglophone crises in the two regions where project activities were envisaged, the adverse effects of COVID-19 and the non-availability of funds. They were certainly correct but the passion for a healthier planet was stronger than the these challenges!.

 We were able to put our wit intact and weaved in pragmatic actions that culminated in the achievement of results at the end of 2021 that were far beyond our expectations. We reached out to hundreds in the Buea Municipality with biodiversity conservation messages through a street-to-street biodiversity conservation sensitization campaign organized by the South West regional delegation of the Ministry of Environment Protection of Nature and Sustainable Development (MINEPDED) and that of the Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife (MINFOF).

We also stirred up a fresh desire in species conservation in 53 kids from adjacent communities in the Mount Cameroon, initiated a project to conserve the great ape of Mount Cameroon, and launched the Green School Kids Initiative in Government Primary school Ndongo. This launch culminated in the planting of some 10 trees around the school and the education of 70 kids on environmental issues. We also educated and engaged over 120 community kids and youths in the North West and South West regions of Cameroon in climate actions thanks to the Ecokids project jointly implemented with Meg Wah, with funds from Earth Rising Foundation. We mentored over 15 young graduates and approved one international volunteering application under the VoNat Volunteering and Youth Mentorship Programme.

 Apart from these, the Organization successfully got an office space, created a website, and established partnerships with up to 8 national and international organizations. We consider these results as a big leap in our mission of building a greener, safer and more sustainable planet. With many more kids & youths, communities, national and international organizations gaining interest in programmes and activities in the field, we are getting unto the third year our existence with a fresh desire and determination to mobilize more financial and human resources, and to expand our geographical scope for benefit of humanity and planet earth, our only home.

 Ndimuh B. Shancho,

Executive Director
