I am Niki Bae Jerome, masters student in the University of Dschang, West region of Cameroon studying Forestry and wildlife engineering. I was in search of an organization which was compatible with my dreams and passion for nature and environmental protection when I came across Voice of Nature (VoNat). I was attracted to the mission, vision and activities of the organization; applied and was recruited to volunteer as Biodiversity Conservation Assistant.

Though my participation in the organization’s activities and training was mostly online due to my studies in the East Region, I have been able to learn a whole lot from the organization and its activities. One of my memorable and enriching moments was participating in the development of a conservation project on the conservation of the gorillas of Ebo Forest. I learnt a lot and pray the project gets funded. Apart from this, I am now able draw up a work plan and organize events thanks to my volunteering at VoNat. I had a good working relationship with other volunteers and enjoyed the spirit of camaraderie that reigns the Organization. I appreciate the support, encouragement, guidance and patience accorded to me by the organization, and for accepting me as an online volunteer.