June 05, 2024 was commemorated by countries all over the world as World Environment Day, under the theme: land restoration, desertification and drought resilience, with “Our land, Our future” and “We are Generation Restoration” as official slogans. In Cameroon, Voice of Nature (VoNat) was involved in a series sensitization, education and tree planting campaigns in a cross section of regions.

In the Centre Region of Cameroon, VoNat, represented by its Executive Director, Ndimuh B. Shancho, joined over 600 environmental civil society organizations, indigenous groups and young environmental activists in a grand sensitization march in Yaoundé-Cameroon to mark the Day. Greenpeace Africa organized the sensitization march, which culminated in a visit to the Ministry of Environment Protection of Nature, and Sustainable Development (MINEPDED). Special advocacy messages for climate action, environmental protection and biodiversity conservation were delivered to the MINEPDED boss, Hélé Pierre, who appreciated all stakeholders and pledged his support.

In the South West Region, the Organization partnered with the South West Regional Delegation of Environment Protection of Nature and Sustainable Development (MINEPDED-SW) and the Environmental Science Students Association of the University of Buea (ESSA) to raise awareness and plant trees in the University of Buea. VoNat also organized an environmental quiz session about crucial environmental issues and current events, and offered prizes to those who presented the correct answers.

In the North West Region, VoNat supported the North West Regional Delegation of Environment Protection of Nature and Sustainable Development (MINEPDED-NW) and other environmental civil society organizations to raise awareness through a sport walk, radio programmes, round table talks and environmental quizzes. MINEPDED-NW and partners also planted trees in schools and other strategic areas in Bamenda to fight against drought and desertification.

VoNat remains resolute in its drive to build a greener, safer and more sustainable planet for wildlife and humanity to thrive, and World Environment is one of those special days used by the Organization to push this mission a step ahead.